Energy follows thought. At least that’s what I’ve been taught. It is our intention that creates reality. When starting Discover Teas, I was intent on building a business based on Love, sharing that love, finding Purpose in that sharing, making a difference in the world, and being a force for good in the community. Each day, we started with an invocation of Gratitude. Sitting for a moment to acknowledge our blessings and setting the space for sanctuary. I wanted to consciously create a space of peace, of light, comfort and healing. I’d say we have done so from day one, all simply with tea.
Each tea that is sourced and brought into our shop is touched with Love, so that those leaves can then touch others out in the world, spreading the love. A cup of tea can turn into a special memory with others, a celebration, an honoring, a bonding, a setting aside of differences. A cup of tea can turn into a meditation, a deep breathe, a peaceful stillness, a nurturing hug.
The Purpose and operations of Discover Teas goes way beyond the tea leaf. Tea just so happens to be a beautiful vehicle that can cross many bridges and touch so many lives innocuously. Plus it is something all of us at Discover Teas are innately passionate about, which of course, makes our jobs much easier and more pleasurable. Each of us are finding heartfelt purpose in what we do and sharing tea.
Our continued success is only possible because of the support as well as the receptivity of others. Our fans, our friends, our family are what make it all move forward and make it worthwhile! Know you are all included in our daily practice of Gratitude. We appreciate you being part of this journey. Together, in our own way, we are making this world a better place.
This is who we are, and this is our intention. Love, Purpose, Gratitude.