Wu Wo Tea Ceremony - Sharing the Art of Tea
From the first time I witnessed a Wu Wo ceremony, I knew it was something I wanted to bring to our own community. It was so incredibly moving to me. It demonstrated the power of what tea can be in connecting with people.
This isn’t about performance or perfection like many other tea ceremonies. This one is relatively modern and informal, done with group participation instead of one tea master. Everyone present takes part; no experience necessary. Brewing, honoring, sharing tea together…all done in silence. It’s not a day about sales and business; it’s a day to stop and celebrate the tea community we’ve built through the years. Our tea community is the backbone of our purpose—spreading love through tea.
We have the hot water ready, and participants bring their tea of choice and a teapot or infuser. As we begin, the first steep has an almost awkwardness as we wait. Then the fun begins, and it keeps going steep after steep for as many as you want to do. Two people could be brewing the same tea, but it would probably taste different. Each brew has uniqueness as a result of the energy and intention put into it as it’s made.
There is a bond that forms between participants, as appreciation for each other grows in the sharing of the brews. The feeling of community and joy generates a wave of positivity. I believe this demonstration of peace ripples out into the world, touching whoever is open to receive.
Then gradually it winds down as it organically comes to an end. Everyone is quite high on drinking tea; there is residual elation in the room. We just witnessed and shared in a living, breathing piece of performance art—the profound art of tea.
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