Discover Teas

Customer Service: 866-897-4669 or 757-847-5190


[This is an archived post and some of the information below may no longer reflect Discover Teas' current situation.] While Discover Teas is still in business, we no longer have either of our brick and mortar locations. Please continue to support Discover Teas online for your tea needs shipped to your door!

This March, Discover Teas is celebrating our Four Year Anniversary in business. It may not be a huge milestone, but we are appreciative of every year that goes by. We revel in our little successes and the fact that we are still open and fulfilling our purpose. 

It’s all the more rewarding to see that we have so much support from our loving tea community, as well. This year we've been nominated in the Best of Coastal Virginia Awards, under “Specialty Food Market.” We are so honored to have our name in the running, and so appreciative of everyone who has already taken the time and effort to vote for us every day. The contest runs until April 23 at 5:00pm, and registration is free if you want to add your voice.

I love that we celebrate our birthday in the springtime. Spirits are lifting, colors are appearing in the landscape, and rebirth is experienced with an eagerness to soak in the enjoyment of life. It’s rejuvenating for all, and the year ahead is filled with promise. Our commitment to what we do here at Discover Teas is renewed as well with zeal and vigor. We envision our company enduring to grow and blossom. It’s a great time to get together with the community, as we do with our Open House. This year it’s on March 21st at both Discover Teas shops—if you’re in the area, please consider coming out and joining us in celebration. It’s just one of the ways we try to thank our supporters for everything you do for us.

Discover Teas is still providing the best quality loose leaf, spreading all that love out into the world, and we do it with Love, Purpose and Gratitude. Our tea family and friends continue to visit us in Williamsburg and in Newport News to fill up on their favorite teas, and our loyal supporters visit our website to get refills shipped conveniently right to their door. We’re always looking for ways to add to the Discover Teas experience, and we’re hoping to share some of our new ideas with you very soon. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for all of you. With your next cup of tea, we hope that you join us in a thoughtful toast to celebrate this anniversary. May there be many more. Cheers!

Thursday, 26 February 2015 13:37

A Zen Moment with My Tea

As I look out my window onto the snow covered landscape, white outlined tree limbs, the frozen lake, red cardinals soaring from branch to branch, and large flakes drifting down have been entertaining me for hours. In my hands I cup a steamy fresh brew of Glenburn Moonshine Darjeeling. The fourth steep of the same leaves in fact. Its beauty keeps on giving for hours as well. Snow days may be frustrating when life needs to move on; however, when possible, they can be a welcome halt from life’s busyness. Likewise, tea can be a longed-for ‘snow day’ created any time, any day, year round. 

Tea brings a cozy, comfy feeling into my world whenever I stop to appreciate it. It nurtures me at a very deep soul level. Tea has such an incredible impact in my daily life, and this is the spark of my passion for it. This is why I want to share tea with others. If I give myself permission to briefly stop, take a moment to sip beautiful tea, breathe deep, come back to center, and be present in a space of thankfulness, then my world has just momentarily changed for the better. Simply, gracefully, effortlessly. If I feel at peace, there is more peace in the world. If I feel love in my heart, then there is more love in the world. This is the mark I wish to make.

It’s been four years now that we opened the doors of Discover Teas. To think of how much tea, how much love, how many hugs, have poured through our shops and out into the world into the cups of thousands literally grabs me by the heart and fills me beyond words. In this Zen Moment created with my cup of tea and snow, I hold you all in love and gratitude. A toast to many more!

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