Kenneth Roberts
Powerful Points of Peppermint
Summer is well settled in and the hot days are lined up. Did you know that Peppermint has the ability to cool your core body temperature and prevent heat stroke? In Arizona I used to hike every chance I got, even when it was 110 degrees. I would often make peppermint tea to take with me, or sometimes I would just put peppermint leaves in my water.
Peppermint, like all herbs, has a wide variety of phytochemicals which create a diverse set of benefits when it comes to health. There are historical documents showing peppermint being used for preventing and relieving health issues going back more than a thousand years. The dried herb has even been found in Egyptian pyramids.
Many use peppermint to increase circulation by drinking it as a tea or even making a compress that can help muscle cramping. Peppermint has also been used to prevent colic in babies, and in medical studies was as effective as Simethicone. Peppermint is often used to help nausea associated with undergoing Chemo therapy. It has been shown in medical studies to be ameliorative for IBS and Crohns due to peppermints ability to reduce inflammation. Peppermint is also known to have anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties as well and can be very effective for reducing itchiness. It has even been shown to have benefits with intense issues such as Shingles, reducing the intensity of the burning discomfort.
Peppermint can be grown almost everywhere and is one of the staples in any herbalist retinue. To find out more about Peppermint or any of the herbs we carry at Discover Teas, just email me at kenneth@discoverteas.com with Ask the Herbalist in the subject field. I will try to reply within a day or two and will select a question to write about in the next blog.
7 Ways to Switch up Your Tea Routine
We often find ourselves drawn to a particular tea and drinking it almost exclusively until we become almost bored with it. I too have experienced this rut. There are far too many great teas out there to limit ourselves to one type or even two let alone only doing tea hot or iced. After many years of being an avid tea drinker I came upon several solutions.
1) Seek out new teas! At Discover Teas we carry over a hundred different teas and herbs. We also have a Blend Your Own Tea Bar; you can try a new tea every time you come in.
2) Blend something new out of the teas you have in your collection. Adding a fruit note or a spicy note to a favorite can renew your enthusiasm. Even a fresh lemon or sprig of mint can completely change your cup.
3)Almost all of the teas at Discover Teas can be done iced as well. Try a fruity black or green tea iced, you will be amazed at how much the fruit flavors stand out when a great tea is iced. When tea is infused chilled, it tends to have a smooth, clean flavor without bitterness.
4) Mix it up! I start my day with a very large 51oz press of a good strong black tea, usually a single note straight black. My press yields way more than the couple of cups I have in the morning, so I always re-steep the press pot and pour up all the extra tea into a pitcher to drink iced later. Then at work I will usually have a flavored black or green tea with medium caffeine to keep my energy up during the day. By late afternoon I switch it up to something herbal and fruity to reduce caffeine the remainder of the day.
5) Research a little bit about herbs and the multitude of health benefits that are possible. If you have a headache, add a little White Willow Bark. If you want to reduce inflammation, try adding some Lemongrass or Ginger. You can always do a little research and then email me; maybe I will select your question for our blog Ask the Herbalist.
6) Remember fresh, loose leaf teas have many health benefits and can help lower blood pressure, balance cholesterol and boost your metabolism and immune system. It doesn't matter if it is Green, Black or Oolong or White. There are many studies you can find online to verify the benefits. The more you learn, the more you will enjoy the teas that bring peace, harmony, wellness and joy to your life.
7) If you still can't find your cup of tea, I have one last suggestion...Cocktails and hot toddies. Add a shot of rum or brandy to your favorite fruity cup at night for a great way to end a day. You can also cold infuse any of the fruit blends we carry at Discover Teas into a bottle of rum or vodka to get an amazing, no-mix-required cocktail. Try the Pina Colada Fruit blend in a bottle of Captain Morgan's Rum.
Email me or any of our family at Discover Teas; we have many suggestions for how to improve your tea drinking pleasure!