Spreading the Love Through Tea
Even in the planning stages, skeptics couldn't believe I was going to try to make a go at a business selling just tea. However, I would argue that we are much more than just tea here; there is a powerful mission going on behind the scenes.
Upon opening the doors to DiscoverTeas, I had a vision of being a powerful force for good in the community. We continually and consciously create opportunities to do so. Another part of the mission is to spread the love through tea. Love is a force, love is a vibration, love is a healer. As noted in the song, "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love". I personally have a drive to make a difference in this world, and those I work with do too. Tea simply happens to be the vehicle. The blessing is love... Sharing it with the world one little tea leaf at a time.
It's no surprise for us to see someone come in in a huff and leave with a smile. That's affirmation we're doing something right. I want people to leave here feeling better than when they came in. I'd like to think that is proof of fulfilling our purpose.
How has tea changed your world?
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