The Most Important Ingredient for a Tea Party
[This is an archived post and some of the information below may no longer reflect Discover Teas' current situation.] While Discover Teas is still in business, we no longer have either of our brick and mortar locations and no longer hold Annual Open House events. Please continue to support Discover Teas online for your tea needs shipped to your door!
Cookies: check. Balloons: check. Tea samples: check. Door prizes: check. List done and ready for the big 5 Year Anniversary Open House.
But really, none of that matters all that much. Because when it comes down to it, it’s who shows up that really makes it a most special day. Getting to see all those beautiful, familiar faces that have shared the excitement along the way is my absolute favorite part of having our Annual Open House!
Customers from early on to brand new ones, friends, family, and some we haven't seen in years bring surprise visits. During the course of the day’s celebration, friend after friend cycles through our doors. It’s a swelling of emotion and appreciation as our tea family reunites. And just because someone doesn’t come in person, know that the presence, thoughts, joy and support is very tangible in my heart nonetheless.
When creating the model for Discover Teas, building a community was an integral part. And we keep building on that day after day. It’s about making a connection with someone. It’s about sharing experiences together. It’s about spreading love through tea, not just selling it.
None of this would be as important to me if it wasn’t for this community of tea lovers. Thank you for being part of this awesome journey and adventure through the last five years. Know you are loved.
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